Primary Pump Failure in Brookfield, MA


This customer in Brookfield, MA was very curious about the pump in his SuperSump liner. It was making this strange humming noise throughout the day which alerted the concern. We sent a service technician immediately so he could diagnose the issue. It was smart for this homeowner to discover the abnormality of his sump pump and took action! 


Once the technician arrived, he slowly opened up the system. Turns out, there were a couple things wrong with it. 1, the sump pump was covered in rust! Rust can damage mechanical devices easily, and primary pump was from 2008! It was definetely time for an upgrade. Once the pump was replaced with a brand new Zoeller pump, the homeowner was relived to have a proper, reliable sump pump keeping his basement dry again! 

Project Summary

Product: SuperSump Pumping System

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