Nantucket, MA Sump & Backup Install

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In Nantucket, MA we have a customer inquire about waterproofing their basement, the area has a high-water table and they would always have to deal with water coming in when it rained. They wanted a fix that would help get all that water coming in out so they wouldn’t have to worry with every rainfall. Todd was able to go to the home and put together a plan that could help them with this issue and make their lives a little bit easier.


With the proposal created, our crew installed a SuperSump system with an UltraSump. The UltraSump is a battery-operated backup pump that will turn on if they experience a power outage until power is restored to the main SuperSump system. We always recommend the UltraSump system and a lot of our customers really enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having it installed with their sump pump systems, as did these satisfied customers!

Project Summary

Inspector: Todd Lutinski

Foreman: Ryan Daffinee

Products: SuperSump & UltraSump

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