Dirt and Gravel Floor
Having an open and exposed floor can lead to continued issues of moisture and dampness.

Water Stain & Mold
Here we can see evidence of water staining and dripping down the wall, along with suspected mold and mildew growth which readings confirmed could grow in these conditions.

Moisture & Water Buildup
Here we can easily see the discoloration in the stones, and along the concrete block wall due to water and moisture.

SilverGlo & CleanSpace
Notice the difference, night and day, of this crawlspace now that the concrete block walls are insulated with SilverGlo foam board insulation and our CleanSpace crawlspace vapor barrier!

Care & Professionalism
Our installation crew takes great pride in their work, and they will always work towards the best results possible. This crawlspace can easily be used now for storage, if so desired!