Brand New Sump Pump Installed!
Our TripleSafe sump pump, seen on the right was installed to provide a better pumping system for this wet basement! It's the most reliable sump pump on the market because it comes with 3 pumps, one of them providing a backup option when this homeowner loses power to ensure this basement stays dry during the scary rain storms!

WaterGuard Interior Drainage System
Cobblestone walls of foundations tend to be very porous, so water seepage is likely to happen. To make sure the floor stays dry, our WaterGuard was installed all around the inside perimeter of this basement floor to intercept the seepage and channel the water to our TripleSafe sump pump!

Closer Look at TrenchDrain
Our TrenchDrain was installed at the doorway entrance of the bulkhead stairs, this drainage solution was the perfect choice since water was easily seeping through this part of the basement. The grated design helps prevent surface water build up.