WaterGuard Basement Drainage Installation in Holden, MA
You can see our CleanSpace Wall System on the walls and the perimeter of the basement was waterproofed using our WaterGuard Sub-Floor Drainage System in this Holden, MA basement.

Damp Basement in Holden, MA
Here you can see the condition of this basement prior to our installation of our waterproofing products. This Holden, MA basement will be dry and more comfortable in no time.

SaniDry Sedona Dehumidifier Installation in Holden, MA
Here is our SaniDry Sedona Dehumidifier we installed in a Holden, MA basement to reduce the humidity and prevent mold growth.

SuperSump Pump Installation in Holden, MA
Here is our SuperSump Pump we installed to help discharge the water from this basement.

CleanSpace Wall System Installation in Holden, MA
This is a great photo of the CleanSpace Wall System that we installed in this basement. In total we installed 116 feet!