Foundation Crack in Lenox, MA Needs Repairs
Our Flexispan product is the perfect solution for the wall cracks we found around this home's foundation. Our patented Flexispan is unique in that while it seals the crack it also uses a foam piece to redirect any water into the sump pump.

Foundation Cracks and Water Leaks Call for Basement Waterproofing in Lenox, MA
Our Flexispan will seal the five cracks around the foundation and our SuperSump Plus and WaterGuard Drainage Systems will take care of channeling the water out of the basement instead of allowing it to travel throughout the floor, walls, and cause damage.

Foundation Repair in Lenox, MA May Require Push Piers
While we hope that the cracks will not grow or expand, we have recommended that the customer keeps an eye on things so that should things progress we can install 19 push piers to stabilize the foundation.