Keep it Clean!
We understand that we are guests in your home and we strive to keep your space clean. Putting plastic up and tarps down help us achieve that by keeping any dust or dirt in the work space for a controlled and easy cleanup before we leave.
TrainDrain by the Outside Entrance
With an access to this basement from the outside, we knew the TrenchDrain would work great in front of the door. It has the same function as our drainage system, but this one is designed with a grated top that lies flat with the surface of the floor.
Pumps Away
In this basement the SuperSump pump was installed next to a half wall with the drain connected through the bottom of the wall. This way the sump is out of view of the general area but still fully functioning with the Waterguard and TrenchDrain.
Final Stage
Through the cycle of water getting indoors, the final stage is it exiting the basement. Here we installed a pop-up to the discharge pipe which will "pop" up when the pressure of the water reaches the end.