Floor Pour in Rehoboth, Massachusetts

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The home owners in Rehoboth, Massachusetts have a basement that often flood with ground water in heavy rains. This basement is also all crushed stone and the customer would like to have a concrete floor pour to make the floor level and be able to use for storage and eventually finish off. Houses with stone basement floors are more likely to have ground water seepage than other properties. 


After meeting with the home owner in Rehoboth, Massachusetts our owner Todd Lutinski suggested a few avenues to solve their problems. The solution to the crushed stone basement was as simple as a concrete floor pour. There was also a sump pump and perimeter drain system installed to help the ground water problem. The ground water will seep into the drain system called the WaterGuard system and it guides water to the sump pump to pump out of the home. 

Project Summary

System Design Specialist: Todd Lutinski

Foreman: Ricky DeOliveira

Bridgewater Business Association
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