SaniDry Sedona Restored Back
This homeowner living in Oakham, MA had been experiencing some problems with her SaniDry Sedona dehumidifier, which is a critical component to maintain the basement's moisture-free environment. She said that the systems efficiency wasn't as good compared to when she first got it, so she knew she needed our expertise to solve the issue.
Upon arrival, our service technician conducted a thorough inspection on the system and identified the issue. Sludge build up inside the discharge, preventing the dehumidifier to perform to its best ability. With ease, the technician cleaned the coils, ensuring that they were free of debris and dirt. Then, he informed the homeowner on certain signs to look for when dehumidifier needs to be serviced as a helpful tip! Once the process was complete, her clean, dry air was now back in her basement after a week of the maintenance check! We highly suggest keeping your systems up to date so that they don't clog or underperform!
Project Summary
Product: SaniDry Sedona Dehumidifier