Before the waterproofing products were installed.
Here is a picture of what the basement looked like before any of our basement waterproofing products were installed. The crew had removed the concrete in location of where the TripleSafe sump pump was to be installed.

Crew member hard at work!
This photo shows a member of the crew responsible for the installation of this job jack hammering the concrete to allow the WaterGuard drainage system to be put in place.

TripleSafe sump pump in place!
The TripleSafe sump pump is in place here. Also, you can see where the concrete was neatly jack hammered and small stone was laid for the WaterGuard to be installed.

WaterGuard in place!
Here the WaterGuard is in place. The crew has put new concrete in place of what they jack hammered out to install the WaterGuard.

More WaterGuard
This picture shows the WaterGuard drainage system was ran throughout the entire basement's perimeter as you can see from where the concrete is a darker color than the rest of the floor.

Cleanspace Wall System in place!
This show the Cleanspace Wall System installed. What a neat look from the first picture with everything exposed!

Final Stage!
You can see here how the TripleSafe sump pump is in place, along with the Sanidry dehumidification system and the CleanSpace Wall System.