The owners of this home in Natick, MA were not happy when they discovered puddles in their finished basement. While booking a free estimate we discovered that when they had built the house, they installed exterior French drains and unfortunately, they did not work and water was making its way in. We sent out an inspector and educated the owners on why we do interior work and mapped out the best course of action that would collect this water. After talking to a few references, they decided to go through with the install of the TripleSafe sump pump in the unfinished area and the Waterguard and TrenchDrain system along the wall and doors to collect water coming in. That water collect would then get pushed out the basement through the discharge, keeping the basement dry and this family very happy.
TrenchDrain Collects from All Angles!
Whether its coming in or going out, our TrenchDrain system will catch the water with its grated top and connects with the Waterguard system for easy and direct extraction.
Sump Station
The TripleSafe sump pump is installed and ready! The drain system we installed in the basement is attached right to the liner for the pumps, where the water will collect and then get pumped out.
Get Out Water!
Here is the final stage, the discharge, where the water will make its exit out of the basement and away from the house. At this install a Pop-Up outlet was added to the end and will "pop" up when the pressure of the water reaches the end of the pipes.