This Rumford, RI customer decided to get Waterguard added to her system, a smart move we approve of! The Waterguard drainage system is attached directly to the sump pump so it can collect any water that may find its way in and escort it out of the basement, keeping the inside dry. Paired with the CleanSpace vapor barrier already installed, the barrier can be tucked right into the drainage system so any water will get stopped in its tracks by the CleanSpace and brought straight to the Waterguard for easy removal.
Waterguard Adds Protection
The final looks at the drainage system installed and set in, ready for any water!
All Smoothed Out
We finish our Waterguard with a fresh layer of concrete to hold in place and create a finished look. A port is added so we can flush the lines and make sure there is no blocks.
Flood Ring Adds Protection
Flood Rings can be added around appliances such as a hot water tank to protect the tank from water from the outside and protect the basement, if the tank were to leak.