Operation Santa in Bridgewater, MA

During the month of December, DryZone Basement Systems reached out to our customers, families, friends and employees to give the gift of generosity. This time of year is always stressful to decorate, host and attend parties, pick the perfect gift for loved ones and still keep up with the day to day activities in our lives. It is often easy to forget that there are people all around us that are not as fortunate as we are. Operation Santa is a collection of new, unwrapped toys (or monetary donations) that directly benefit the families of Bridgewater, MA during the holidays. We were happy to give back to our community and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year!


Again, thank you to the customers, employees and families of DryZone for your help this holiday season!


Operation Santa in Bridgewater MA - Image 1

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